

Traditional Thai Massage

The Thai Massage works more deeply, Using rhythmic acupressure points and stretching techniques, stress is reduced and muscle soreness is relieved making your....


Swedish Massage

Stimulates your circulation with slow flowing movements along the entire body complemented by gentle kneading techniques that are infused with aromatic oils.


Combination Massage

Combination are Thai massage with Swedish Massage; focus on acupressure points and then relax the body with the gentle strokes of the Swedish massage. This is the most....


Deep Tissue Sport Massage

Treat many different types of pains and illnesses including muscle spasms, headaches, soreness, migraines and back pain while also relieving circulation problems and loss of sleep


Hot Oil Aromatherapy

This massage activates the molecules of essential oils, already blended with a carrier oil, which penetrates the blood stream and soothes the central nervous system.


Mandara (Four Hands) Massage

Two therapists will work together all over your body to provide a full-range, all-over body massage. The therapists: hands move in harmony with each other without ever....


Body Scrub

We use tamarind, tomato and Prai herbs (root of the ginger family) mixed with milk which is then scrubbed all over the body to exfoliate the skin.


Pregnancy Massage

One of Thailand's ancient ways of healing is using herbs and heat. The herb balls will soothe, heal and reduce your tiredness, aches and pains.


Neck & Shoulder Massage

Use acupressure point, thai massage, deep tissue techniques to relieve stress , tension. Recommend for clients who want concentrate only neck , shoulders, back....