Mandara (Four Hands) Massage

Mandara (Four Hands) Massage

Mandara (Four Hands) Massage

Two therapists will work together all over your body to provide a full-range, all-over body massage. The therapists: hands move in harmony with each other without ever leaving your skin. This massage is a combination of six massage styles: Hawaiian Lomi-Lomi, Swedish, Baliness, Shiatsu and Thai Massage with aromatherapy.


1106 Crenshaw Blvd
Torrance, CA 90501


Mon - Fri: 10am - 9 pm
Saturday: 10am - 9 pm
Sunday: 10am - 9 pm


(310) 212-5241

Mandara (Four Hands) Massage

60 Mins.

$ 140

90 Mins.

$ 200

120 Mins.

$ 280


Herbal balls

+ $ 15

Body scrub

+ $ 30

Hot Stone

+ $ 10

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